Ollga Belova -- Your Energy Code

Jul 30, 2017

Ollga Belova, branding and business development coach, psychologist, hand analyst and energy medicine practitioner, Email: ollga@ollgabelova.com, OllgaBelova.com

Dr. Ollga Belova is a branding and business development coach who helps spiritually-minded entrepreneurs learn how to charge and receive the top fees for their services by aligning their business identity…… with a Life Purpose for maximum meaning, wellbeing, and prosperity.

De. Olga holds a Doctor of Psychology degree in Organizational Consulting from the California School of Professional Psychology, MBA from the University of Oxford, and several coaching certifications. In her work with clients she combines the traditional business concepts and tools with alternative modalities such as the …….Scientific Hand Analysis and Energy Medicine to enable her clients to realize their Life Purpose through their business.
As a Chief Learning Officer in a company of 100,000 employees, and later as a business school educator to senior executives, she was faced with a paradox of corporate jobs – exceptional monetary rewards on one hand, and burnout and lack of meaning on the other. In pursuit of finding the answer to this dilemma, she came across Soul Psychology expressed in the Scientific Hand Analysis that addressed the very issue of meaning and satisfaction.

Today, having learned to decipher the “Soul Contract” recorded in the fingerprints, she’s developed a system that takes her clients step by step….. from the name of their Life Purpose to a lucrative market offer aligned to their Soul Agenda, and delivering the very life that is meant for them.

Topic: Your Energy Code – the Secret to your Meaning and Satisfaction

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